Can I use Uvicorn over Nginx?

Raja CSP Raman
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2024


Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

When discussing “Uvicorn vs Nginx” in the context of deploying FastAPI applications (assuming the mention of FastAI was a typo, as FastAPI is the relevant framework here), it’s important to understand the roles both play in the deployment of web applications. Uvicorn and Nginx serve different purposes but can be used together to create a robust, scalable, and efficient deployment setup for FastAPI applications. Here are ten points to consider:

  1. Role Differentiation: Uvicorn is an ASGI server designed to run asynchronous Python web applications built with frameworks like FastAPI, whereas Nginx is a high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy that can serve static files and proxy requests to an upstream Uvicorn server.
  2. Performance: Uvicorn is optimized for speed and is capable of handling large volumes of concurrent connections, which is essential for the asynchronous applications built with FastAPI. Nginx is known for its high performance and ability to efficiently serve static content and handle load balancing.
  3. Concurrency Model: Uvicorn benefits from an asynchronous concurrency model, making it suitable for IO-bound and high-concurrency applications. Nginx uses an event-driven model, which allows it to handle many connections in a non-blocking manner.
  4. Deployment Scenarios: In a typical FastAPI deployment, Uvicorn serves as the application server running the FastAPI application, while Nginx is used as a reverse proxy to manage external access, handle SSL/TLS termination, and serve static files.
  5. Static Files Handling: Nginx is more efficient at serving static files than Uvicorn. It’s common practice to use Nginx to serve static content directly, offloading this task from Uvicorn to optimize performance.
  6. Security: Nginx can enhance the security of a FastAPI application by providing an additional layer that can handle SSL/TLS termination, rate limiting, and IP filtering before requests reach Uvicorn.
  7. Load Balancing: Nginx excels at load balancing incoming requests across multiple instances of an application server like Uvicorn, improving the scalability and reliability of FastAPI applications.
  8. Configuration and Maintenance: Nginx offers a wide range of configuration options for fine-tuning performance, security, and handling of HTTP requests, which can be more complex but also more versatile. Uvicorn’s configuration is more straightforward, focused mainly on application serving.
  9. WebSocket Support: Both Uvicorn and Nginx support WebSockets, which is important for FastAPI applications that require real-time communication between the server and clients.
  10. Community and Support: Both Nginx and Uvicorn have strong communities and are well-documented, ensuring good support for developers deploying FastAPI applications. However, Nginx, being older and more established, has a broader user base and more extensive resources available.

In summary, Uvicorn and Nginx complement each other in deploying FastAPI applications. Uvicorn acts as the application server running the Python code, while Nginx can serve as the front-facing server handling static files, security, and request routing, making the combination of the two a powerful choice for deploying scalable and efficient web applications.

